Registry and Registrar
Licensing Regulations


The .ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA) has published the draft .za registry and registrar licensing regulations, which will enable ZADNA to license registries and registrars upon their promulgation. In accordance with the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (ECT ACT) 25 of 2002, Sections 68 and 94 of the ECT Act, which authorises the Authority with the approval of the Minister to make regulations The publication of these draft regulations facilitates a fundamental constitutional process of public participation. ZADNA calls upon all stakeholders and interested parties to provide comments on the published draft regulations, and the deadline for receiving comments is 06 June 2022.

All interested parties must submit their written representations to marked for the attention of Adv Lerato Seema.

The following documents are available for download:



The Electronic Communications and Transactions Act No. 25 of 2002 ( ECT Act) is the founding legislation of the .ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA). Chapter X of the ECT Act sets out the mandate of ZADNA, which is to manage and administer the .za namespace. In doing so, the ECT Act provides for establishing the governing structure and staff of ZADNA, its functions, how the namespace is regulated, and the alternative dispute resolution process critical in dealing with domain name abuse cases.

The critical functions of ZADNA as per the ECT Act include licensing and regulating registries and registrars, publishing the .ZA domain namespace management guidelines, enhancing awareness of the namespace, conducting research on the domain name system, and advising the Minister of the Department of Digital Communication and Digital Technologies, which it directly reports to.

See link: ECT Act